Project: Station
Type: Płaski dach
Location: Logrono (Spain)
Year of completion: 2011
Surface: 10.000 m2
Opis projects: uszczelnienie i naprawa dachu płaskiego za pomocą TECNOCOAT P-2049. Waterproofing of the boards forming the station roof.
Etapy prac:
1. Pierwszy etap prac:
- Milling surfaces to improve adhesion of the material and to avoid the appearance of bubbles on the application of the coating.
- Cleaning - removing dust, dirt and other substances such as oil, smar, color.
2. The second stage:
- Prepare joints , go sewer pipes and other specific points of the surface. It is important,to preserve the continuity of the waterproofing system, especially in "sharp" points of the surface, aby w przypadku ewentualnego ruchu konstrukcji nie naruszona została membrana. Na połączenia płyt zastosowano PU Putty DESMOSEAL – sealing means.
3. Application TECNOCOAT P - 2049:
- Backing PU FIRST – 1050: nakłada się wałkiem na całej powierzchni, improves the adhesion of the product TECNOCOAT P - 2049.
- The application of the membrane TECNOCOAT P – 2049: membrana aplikowana natryskowo bezpośrednio na przygotowaną powierzchnie.
Why chosen system TECNOCOAT P – 2049 the implementation of the described project:
- product reaches all the hard to reach places,
- provides continuous, waterproofing membrane,
- The product is resistant to abrasion,
- the product is eco-friendly,
- material is easily applied.