Project: Stadium Wisla Krakow
Type: Zabezpieczenia p.poż
Location: Krakow (Poland)
Year of completion: 2009-2011 r.
Surface: 10.000 m2
Opis projects: fire protection Stadium Wisla Krakow through the system PROMAT.
Etapy prac:
- Fire protection gaps vertical and horizontal joints, between columns and building structure facade columns.
- Fire protection cladding fasteners columns resistance class R120.
- Security fire brands MS10 reinforced concrete column on the item. + 9,66m.
- Security switches rigs fire poles with brackets on item. + 15,33m.
- Fire protection of internal expansion slots on the item. + 19,788m.
- Fire protection of steel structure roof on item. + 23.31m
The stadium was put into operation in October 2011 roku.