Why docieplić foundations of buildings using Pur Foams ?
If you are looking for an effective way to insulate the foundations of buildings, Pianka pur will be the ideal solution. One layer provides excellent thermal insulation and waterproofing.
This product is very durable, appear so easily resisted showering the earth. Resistance to moisture, very good flexibility and adhesion to the walls, are her huge asset (it becomes impossible to displacement or rupture foam).
It is worth noting, that the rate of implementation is an enormous value of the product - the area around 1000 m2 can be covered in just 1 day, and further finishing work can be carried out without undue delay.
Jeżeli jesteś zainteresowany dociepleniem fundamentów przez jedną z najbardziej profesjonalnych firm na polskim rynku to zapraszamy do współpracy.
- Thermal insulation of the foundations with closed cell foams.
- Thermal insulation of the foundations with closed cell foams.
- Thermal insulation of the foundations with closed cell foams.
- Thermal insulation of the foundations with closed cell foams.
- Thermal insulation of the foundations with closed cell foams.
- Thermal insulation of the foundations with closed cell foams.