If you want to reduce costs, eliminate nuisance condensation of water vapor in the animal room or halls, certainly interest you this article. Described by our product - Pianka pur ideal for insulation spaces agricultural and livestock. It is odorless, continued, Flexible, perfectly applies for any type of surface, is tight - an excellent thermal and waterproofing.
Benefits of using Foam Pur in the halls of agricultural:
- reduction of CO2 emissions
- High energy efficiency
- does not contain substances that damage the environment,,pl,they reduce mold condensation,,pl,significant improvement of air quality,,pl,significantly extends the life of the rooms,,pl
- zmniejszają kondensacje pleśni
- znaczna poprawa jakości powietrza
- znacznie przedłuża żywot pomieszczeń
- investment performance of tra 24
The foam pros have experienced a lot of farms and livestock leaders.
We invite you to cooperate with our experts to help and make a preliminary valuation.