With time and use of facilities c.o. to c.w.u. require replacement or renovation. Due to the fact, that the exchange of these installations would be too costly and time-consuming, most people, companies are opting for the second option of cleaning chemical plant, which is a lot cheaper and more aesthetically pleasing solution to recover the initial efficiency of the old installation, while the fee for heat after cleaning can reduce by up to 30 %.
Cleaning installation c.o. to c.w.u. is a necessity arising from:
- Implementation of these installations which differs from the standards of the global level what the reason was the lack of domestically appropriate materials, devices, fittings and regulations and standards ensuring durability and energy efficiency of heating systems.
- Open system of these installations (90% in the country) causing:
-overgrowing wires deposits with a decrease of permeability and increased hydraulic resistance, deterioration of water quality which can manifest itself in yellow or odor, a decrease in heating efficiency
-premature corrosion of pipes leading to perforation or heating devices,
-lack of automatic adjustment, as a result of seizure, damage or loss of containment automation components
- The relatively short shelf life of installation - ok. 10-20 years
- Too costly total replacement installations
- Excessive loss of water from the heating system and refilling it with water of inadequate quality
- Growth in energy consumption and the associated costs
- Planned replacement radiators and valves thermoregulation in order to avoid contamination of existing settlements, stone and rust in the pipes
Cleaning installation c.o. to c.w.u. performed in:
- Public buildings such as sports centers, recreation, spa, pools, Hotels
- Industrial buildings: halls, magazines
- Multi-family buildings belonging to cooperatives, housing communities, Board of municipal buildings
- Single-family homes
Chemical cleaning process c.o. to c.w.u. involves first the determination of the state of pollution by then using aggregate chemically clean installation using technology developed on the basis of. In the final stage is used to secure the system against the creation of new contamination or corrosion. The process time is very short, depending on the degree of contamination of all activities underway to 12 hours. Cleaning installation c.o. to c.w.u. can be performed both in the heating season and beyond. It must, however, be performed by the most skilled workers with specialized equipment and preparations.
Cleaning c.o. to c.w.u. essentially guarantees:
- Durability installation
- Lowering the cost of energy-related
- The increase heating efficiency
- Higher water quality
Cleaning installation c.o. to c.w.u. allows for initial system performance without having to change. We guarantee, that dry-cleaning plant c.o. to c.w.o. use only certified products, who possess the necessary authorization of the use and approvals and are safe for all types of installations.