Despite, that the sound insulation of similar materials are used, which in the case of the thermal insulation, However, it is a harder nut to crack. Sound is extremely difficult phenomenon to define and classify. Very often mistakenly use the concepts of sound absorption and “acoustic insulation” interchangeably. It must be remembered, that the meaning of these words are completely different.
Sound absorption is a skill involving the scattering of sound waves and reducing sound energy, reflecting the specific building area. Good acoustics while it is absolutely dependent on good sound absorption. In this room there is no unnecessary reverb and even quiet conversations are fully heard and understood. As you probably all know – the larger and more lofty room, the worse prevent unwanted reverb. Quite effective remedial method may here be development of free surface of the walls. As for the method, Here we can choose according to our preferences (np. hanging pots of flowers, images or installing bookshelves).
Thinking of sound insulation, we should have in mind, in turn, the penetration of sound energy through the surface of the building. Sound “born” as a result of mechanical vibration of the elastic any agent (mostly air). Vibrations, referred, spread in the center, creating sound waves. The wave while, encountering a concrete bulkhead / surface, automatically sets it to vibrate. Of course, the massive bulkhead construction, the more difficult challenge for sound waves. Consequently, the locale specific order to provide the best sound insulation, preferably mounted barrier construction of a large mass.
Depending on the source of the formation, we have two different definitions, which together make up the general concept of sound. The sound of air or noises caused by calls or various types of devices and audio performance Sound Impact (otherwise known materials) formed by the so-called. mechanical actions, np. footstep, or sliding objects.
The thermal insulation often encounter the phenomenon “thermal bridges”. These are the weak points of the insulation layer of insulation (interruption or her shortcomings ). Similarly is the case of sound insulation. In some places, gaps are formed in the insulating layer (the so-called.sound bridges), which prevent the building partition effective retention of sounds. Sound bridges are most common in the points złączeniowych (np. floating floor panels), as well as the door, the baseboard, radiator brackets, or between the wall and the spout. Offered by our technology, fully prevent any disadvantages in the form of bridges – both thermal and acoustic.
According to the applicable standard in our country, on building acoustics (PN-87 / B-02151 / 02), allow the individual sound level values specific objects:
- premises in residential – 30 dB at night, 40 dB during the day
- hospital rooms and wellness – 30 dB at night, 35 dB during the day
- surgeries in hospitals and clinics and offices psychotherapeutic – 35 dB per day
- nurseries, nursery – 35 dB during the day
- classes and workshops for school (with the exception of technical), classrooms and lecture halls – 40 dB during the day
- facilities for mental work, which requires the utmost concentration and attention – 35 dB during the day
- cafes and restaurants – 50 dB during the day