Ochrona środowiska a co za tym idzie i ochrona człowieka jest głównym światowym priorytetem. Klęski żywiołowe, leaks can cause serious damage to the planet. All organizations involved in the protection of ecosystems have prepared a series of standards, which help to prevent the problems related to potential contamination of the environment. The ideal solution proved to be spray polyurea coatings.
Polyurea when applied effectively prevents the penetration of chemicals, przeciekaniu szkodliwych substancji tworząc wodoszczelną powłokę odporną na żrące substancje. System spray protective layers ideal for:
– industries related to nuclear power ( abrasion resistance )
– fuel industry ( perfectly seal the tanks and oil pipelines, Gas)
– chemical industry ( high levels of immunity to harmful substances )
– transport ( creates the perfect protection system for cars, trailers )
Applied to a properly prepared surface creates a waterproof coating, which prevents contamination of groundwater, soil erosion and harmful leaks – in a word, is ecology.