Fire protection

Installation of fire protection. Protection for steel structures, concrete and other.


The rooms offer mute, acoustic plaster and sound. Produkty firm Ecophon, Top Akustik i inne.

PUR foam and polyurea

We spray foam PUR opened and closed cell and polymer coatings - polyurea.

Insulation Slabs

Explore the benefits of professional insulation of floors. Warming we spray and by the classical method.

Green ground floor in an office building

Project: Sabadell Bank Central Office
Type: Green ground floor
Address: Saint Cugat (Spain)
Year of completion: 2011
Surface: 12.000 m2





Opis projects: Execution 12.000 m2 of area “green” at different heights of the ground floor and the creation of a drainage system.



Etapy prac:

1. Pierwszy etap prac:

  • Milling concrete surface, to increase the adhesion of the material.
  • Cleaning: removing dust from the ground, dirt and other materials generated during previous work.


2. The second stage – sealing expansion joints and other points to ensure proper functioning of the system:

  • ensuring the continuity of the waterproofing system in all vertical walls, sharpened points, so that in the event of any movement of the structure, the membrane is not damaged. This way TECNOCOAT P-2049 does not require the installation of additional systems.
  • the gaps occurring in the surface were sealed with PU Putty DESMOSEAL– it is a flexible sealant with very high elasticity, anti-cracking.


3. The third stage – application system TECNOCOAT P-2049, which it includes:

  • Backing FIRST PU-1050: The product is applied with a roller over the entire surface to increase adhesion TECNOCOAT P-2049.
  • Application TECNOCOAT P-2049: it is a polyurea coating applied by spraying directly onto a properly prepared surface.



Why was this chosen for the implementation of this project? TECNOCOAT P-2049 ?


  • perfect sealing at intersections with reinforced concrete walls,
  • complete protection of metal profiles between walls,
  • perfect surface sealing,
  • wysoka odporność na ścieranie,
  • product environmentally.







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