Isoverm 825 This spray system used for fire protection of steel structures. It is used both for internal structures and external. It has a very high density of spray mass. It is used in:
Method of Application:
Mcr Isoverm 825 This spray system, whose main ingredient is the mass of fire-prevention MCR Tecnowool 825. The mass applied to the scrim attached to the steel structure by means of pins. When the surface is exposed to atmospheric agents used in addition topcoat. Mcr Isoverm 825 provides secured steel components with a U / A massive coefficient≤400m-1 obtaining fire resistance classes from R15 to R240.
Advantages of the system:
- durability
- very fast application
- non-toxic
- resistant to cracking, rot and mushrooms
- no effect of corrosion on the steel surface
- faktura baranka
- the ability to provide security in the form of. mailbox
- has ITB Technical Approval No. AT-15-8196 / 2009
has Certificate of Conformity No. ITB-1918 / W