Fire protection

Installation of fire protection. Protection for steel structures, concrete and other.


The rooms offer mute, acoustic plaster and sound. Produkty firm Ecophon, Top Akustik i inne.

PUR foam and polyurea

We spray foam PUR opened and closed cell and polymer coatings - polyurea.

Insulation Slabs

Explore the benefits of professional insulation of floors. Warming we spray and by the classical method.

Polyurea – the orthopedic sports

Polyurea It is also used in the performance of orthopedic and reinforcing fillers,,pl,that more and more often, this technology is used in various kinds of sports,,pl. Prosthetics today has evolved to such an extent, that are performed specialized prosthetic for athletes. Its properties are ideal for dentures. Reinforcements made of polyurea materials make, that dentures are extremely durable, moisture resistant, chemicals and corrosion.

By means of spray insulation You can also perform:

  • coverage in wheelchairs
  • shoulder pads for athletes
  • Accessories for diving

Flexibility, strength and speed of software applications, że coraz częściej ta technologia wykorzystywana jest w różnego rodzaju sportach.

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