One of the main applications PUR foam insulation closed cell are waterproofing. This product will seal and protect buildings against water. Waterproofing spray foam results in minimal water absorption and immunization against the thrust of freezing soil. Zastosowanie to nabiera wyjątkowo dużego znaczenia na terenach podmokłych – narażonych na przemarzanie gruntu.
Foam closed chamber is ideal for the waterproofing:
– foundation plates;
– water tanks;
– tanks pools;
– floor.
Polyurethane foam has excellent adhesion, suitable for any type of surface, such as eg. trapezoidal sheet, OSB, vapor permeable film, potato.
Foam is ideal for piggeries, halls of metal and concrete structures – in this case, the successful use closed cell foam, which are the ideal method of waterproofing. It protects the substrate prior to the onset of corrosion. More than this it is easy to keep clean in the rooms - impurities can be removed with a pressure washer.
Foam significantly prolongs the life of buildings, is Organic, safe and durable – leaks, does not shrink, does not fall.