PROMASPRAY T mortar is designed to isolate the fire area not exposed to weather conditions.
It is a dry mix comprising:
- mineral wool
- hydraulic binders
- semi-synthetic binders
- other additives
• Ceilings and concrete structures (thermal insulation, fire protection, acoustic insulation)
• Ceilings gęstożebrowe (thermal insulation, fire protection, acoustic insulation)
• Composite concrete slabs with profiled steel sheet (thermal and acoustic insulation)
For a perfect complement system is used primers:
1. PROJISO FIXO-B - It is a material based on mineral wool fibers mortar adhesion promoter to concrete and brick.
2. PROJISO FIXO-M– Synthetic binder protective substance intended to improve the adhesion of products based on mineral wool fibers.
and finishing materials:
1. SIDAIRLES This is a thin layer of plaster ready for use, specially developed for surface preparation and mechanical strengthening of cover from mortars fiber.
2. PROJISO FIXO-DUR - A mixture of amorphous silica stabilized slurry in an alkaline environment with the acrylic copolymer in a liquid state.